STG Classes

S.T.G. Classes

Welcome to the world of S.T.G. Classes is working since 1997. a place which gives you a truly refined learning experience. We believe.
  • Education is learning, not mugging
  • Education is understanding, not spoon feeding
  • Education is a process, not the few hours before exams
  • Education is applicable in the practical world, not acquiring bookish knowledge.
From time immemorial, on joining a normal coaching class, you have been provided with
  • Dreary teachers
  • Overstuffed Classrooms
  • Substandard Facilities
  • And a dull atmosphere
Elsewhere, there is always a wide gap between expectations and achievements because you have been taken for granted.
Thus, not only do we want to redefine academics; we also want to redefine the learning experience by providing you up-to-the-mark facilities which befit your status and create a wonderful atmosphere with a higher comfort level; so that learning can be truly fun.
You, with STG Classes can redefine education ! But how ??!
  • A completely informal classroom atmosphere
  • Your teacher will be your friend not your senior.
Our Teaching Mathods 
  • We give knowledge not information. Our aim is not only to make sure you pass your boards, but to make you capable of applying your acquired knowledge in the practical world. We allow you to think outside the book.
Our Faculty 
  • They are respected names in the field of education due to their skill and expertise, sustained hard work and dedicated involvement which will guide you over the hurdles of your academic life.
Our Attitude
  • We believe in encouraging not putting you down or harming your self dignity. Students are our equals.